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    Chapter 9

In Chapter 9 of the Man In The Iron Mask of Dumas Aramis was captured but at the same time wasn't.When Aramis went to the ship he did a sgin which the captain knew so he told the crew send whenever Aramis wanted to go. Back in Paris King Louis and D'Artagnan were talking about Belle-Isle but then King Louis ask '' who was the king of France ''. The king told him that all of the rebels escaped but 106 soldiers died. The king then told D'Artagnan that he had two chooses ( to exile or to have a new assignment)(pg 74 Dumas). D'Artagnan of cource picked the second one, when he was ordered to go to Belle-Isle to find Aramis and Porthos but didn't know Porthos death and Aramis escape to Bayonne. Back were Athos was he miss son very much so he stopped exercies, waking up at dawn, and missing two meals a day. His servents called a doctor and told them that he'll die soon. Then Aramis had a dream about his son being an officer. When he woke up he heared a horse and knew that his son death soon Athos said '' Here I am " Ahtos enter the kind death to him. Four years later France was in war with Holland. Whlie D'Artagnan was in command he was attacking thirteeth territory which was for five days. When the victory was soon a message came from the king who was pleased with the reasult and was granted new title " Marshal of France". When he was going to reach for it he was hit by a ball of musket. He thought he would survived but when he saw the blood and paleness  of death he said his last words" Athos, Porthos, au revoir! Aramis adieu forever! Now only one remains and God taken back there souls.                                                                                                                                                      

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