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    Chapter 5

In Chapter 5 of The Man In The Iron Mask Fouguet was going to Bastille to free the real King Louis. Once Fouguet heard King Louis he was heart broken because all he heard was " I am the King. It was Fouguet who brought me here! Why don't you portect me from him!  I am the King, I tell you !" When King Louis saw Fouguet he was terrified that Fouguet was going to kill him. But Fouguet told King Louis that it wasn't him but Aramis and his twin brother. The King asked where was the imposter who was in Vaux so he was about to go to Vaux to arrest and kill Aramis and Philippe(beacause Aramis was in chage of the hole thing)(pg 46 Dumas).But Fouguet stopped him from killing Philippe because if he kill someone from a royal blood it would cause him great shame to the family, and lose all of his respect from his people. King Louis thought for it for a moment and agree he would not kill Philippe. But he'll still have to dismiss Fouguet from the office which Fouguet agree to the trems as long he had his honor.When they were going out of the prison Baisemeaux stopped them but the king showed him a letter with his handwritting. Baisemeaux recongnized the writting and let him through.

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