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   Chapter 4

In Chapter 4 of The Man In The Iron Mask of Dumas we found out that King Louis was in the Bastille but didn't know how or when he got there. When the person who brought the food he just igroned him and King Louis was getting more mad. Mieanwhile at Vaux Philippe pressed a button because Aramis made a trap on King Louis bed to go to the cellar. When Aramis came to the room he knew Philippe would still be worry about his twin brother so he said " that we'll send your brother to exile " but Philippe wasn't satisfied. When D'Artagnan came to the room he was surprised that Aramis was there because usually the King would ignore Aramis. Then Aramis told D'Artagnan that Fouguet would be released but D'Artagnan wasn't satisfied but suspicious with that answer. Soon Aramis and D'Artagnan came to Fouguet room Aramis told D'Artagnan to leave so he can talk to Fouguet alone. When they were alone Aramis told Fouguet about the twins birth and of what had happen last night. Fouguet was angured of what had happened to the King because it would cause shame to his honor.Fouguet told Aramis to leave France so Aramis would escape and Fouguet could get his honor back. When thay were leaving D'Artagnan was afraid he wouldn't see his friend again.

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