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   Chapter 2

In Chapter 2 of Man In The Iron Mask by Dumas we find Aramis talking about King Louis and how he is spoiled, makes bad desicion for his country and people, and gets jealous if people have better stuff than him. Aramis told Philippe that he was '' the natural heir to the throne '' because he was clam, makes good desions and won't complain of who he was or what he'll do.Philippe didn't know what to do so Aramis gave Philippe two desicions one was to be true king of France and the other one to live on an island.( which was Belle-Isle-en-Mer)(Dumas pg 18,19). Philippe did some thinking and agree to become King of France which Aramis was greatful " you'll become a great king ". Aramis and Philippe went to Vaux and Philippe pretended to be Aramis servent so that Philippe could spy on King Louis to see how he behave and act. While that was happening King Louis was jealous at Fouguet and thought that had stolen from the royal treasure


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